Training & Development

Training & Development

The HRM must teach the new worker the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to perform the duties of the job properly.  There are two ways to train workers:
On-The-Job Training
The worker is trained while they are at work.  The employee learns through practical experience gained from working with and observing experienced employees.
Techniques include job rotation, where the employee is trained in gradually by moving them from one department to another in the business.
Off-The-Job Training
The worker is trained while they are away from the work premises.  The employee learns by attending courses away from their place of work.
Techniques used include attending evening classes, conferences and so on.
This is giving the employees the life-long skills and knowledge that will help them to grow as individuals and tackle any future work challenges.

Importance of Training & Development
·         Gives the workers the skills necessary to do a good job.
·         Gives workers a variety of skills.
·         Workers will require less supervision.
·         Leads to less conflict between managers and employees over unsatisfactory work.

(Information from William Murphy, 21st Century Business: Business for Leaving Certificate, CJ Fallon.)

Training & Development Video

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