Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

This involves the HRM assessing how well each worker is doing in their job.  Workers are set goals and tasks to achieve.  Workers who do well may be rewarded with promotions, bonuses or pay rises.  Employees training needs may also be identified.

The following are the steps involved in performance appraisal:
·         Step 1: The employee and the manager meet to set performance targets for a period.
·         Step 2: The manager regularly evaluates the employee’s progress.
·         Step 3: The manager fills in a formal performance form about the employee and the two meet to discuss the results.

Importance of Performance Appraisal
·         It identifies employees who need training.
·         It identifies employees who are suitable for promotion.
·         It helps to decide future pay raises and bonuses.
·         It improves communications between managers and employees.

(Information from William Murphy, 21st Century Business: Business for Leaving Certificate, CJ Fallon.)

Performance Appraisal Video

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    Employee Performance Management System
